
Few Billion years ago, there was a Big Bang. The Universe popped out and started expanding in a really crazy manner. Hubble would agree.  The word to be noted is Crazy.

Few Ten Thousand years ago, The earth accepted a new species which slowly evolved into human beings of today.  Since then, We have been really busy populating the world. But, few thousand years before there seems to have been a longing for a different kind of entertainment. A form of entertainment which would help them remember their {0, 0}.

So, The question came up. What is their {0,0} ?

Several ideas were presented and people who followed similar ideas formed groups and societies.  They discussed, fought and conquered each other but even several thousand years later with all the so called advancements, we still do not really for sure understand the {0,0} and the reason behind one such co-ordinate.

But, we do know one thing for sure that their entertainment form was Story telling, served emotionally with heart and soul.  The leader or the elderly would narrate a creative story to the group thereby discussing their beliefs, hopes and life. Cultures, Religions, Traditions, Relationships and so many elements that form the base of a civilization came out of such stories. History reveals them in all the inscriptions and transcriptions dug out.

The form has changed, The medium has changed but the soul remains strong. The industrialized man had printing technology. The modern digital man has got Cinema.  He will continue to tell stories. But lets not forget it all started to find out the {0,0}.

To find out {0,0},  one should look more closer into the stories told. We should understand them, comprehend and digest them.  In the process, evaluate and analyze them.  Reviews and Perspectives add one another dimension to the stories.  To differentiate the right from the wrong, the good from the bad, the real from the dream, the truth from the false, we need forums to discuss and debate on stories.

Cubicle talkies is one such online movie forum where you can find the discussions and deliberate debates between Harish, Shekar and Karthick . They are passionate, obsessed and to some extent possessed by the contemporary story narration medium, Cinema. A journey that began as a way to pass time in their office cubicles evolved over time into a process by which they started living with the characters created by Giants.  As patrons, They would like to offer their services and honors by analyzing and appreciating movies.

In this blog you can find their discussions on select classics with full review of the movies done by either of them. In the long run, they plan to widen the circle and invite reviews from public as well.

They hope to continue until the universe drops into black hole. By the way, some people say it is actually brown deep down there….Any ideas?